Saturday, January 30, 2016

stoops magazine - issue 02

issue 02 of stoops magazine, the all new york city skateboard magazine, came out in november 2015. i helped with photo editing and production, and eby ghafarian handled the creative direction, as well as all the publishing business work, which is most of the work in making a magazine. there was an issue release photo show on nov 13, 2015, at salomon arts in manhattan, new york. below are the photos in stoops issue 02 that i'd shot, some i'd been saving for up to 9 years, waiting for the right place to show them, and in my opinion still hold up.

pick up a hard copy of stoops magazine at

josh wilson - frontside 50-50 grind - manhattan, new york - 2014
on the cover of stoops issue 02

rob gonzalez - ollie up, wallie out - manhattan, new york - 2006

jerry mraz - backside noseblunt - queens, new york - 2012

jack curtin - halfcab - the bronx, new york - 2014

ryan barlow - fakie ollie - brooklyn, new york - 2012

brian delatorre - ollie, ollie - manhattan, new york - 2012

clark hassler - backside 50-50 grind pop-out - brooklyn, new york - 2011

dave mitchael - backside tailslide - manhattan, new york - 2008

clint peterson - frontside rock - queens, new york - 2008

jimmy lannon - ollie - manhattan, new york - 2010