transworld skateboarding magazine posted the good wood art show on their site.
there's also a flickr page for other photos from the opening, so you can see details of some of the work,
this one's hand etched.

pick up the new october 2008 issue of skateboarder magazine! (click image to see the issue's cover)

sorry canon, had to do it. and don't tell me i'll end up quitting film, it isn't happening.
taken from roommate julia baum's fancy apple phone
taken from roommate julia baum's fancy apple phone

huge flying alien cockroach invaded.
hysteria, electric zapping, smeared guts, screaming.
i guess the neighbors were concerned with all the screaming, and heard me yell, "DIE FUCKER!" because the police showed up.
flying roaches, aka palmetto bugs, are usually in florida, global warming?
hysteria, electric zapping, smeared guts, screaming.
i guess the neighbors were concerned with all the screaming, and heard me yell, "DIE FUCKER!" because the police showed up.
flying roaches, aka palmetto bugs, are usually in florida, global warming?

i'm glad someone showed me this from the slap magazine message boards. click image to see the forum thread it came from.
p.s. slap announced they're going all digital, as in not printing hard copies on paper anymore :(
look for the pdf press release on that link.